Permissions required to import recordings from Zoom to Google Drive

In the Zoom API, I have not been able to identify if it is necessary to have the accesses of each user (user and password) to import their recordings or if a zoom administrator access is enough?. You can inform me a little more on this point. Thank you

Additional context
My company is evaluating the development of an application to import the zoom recordings of all users to our Google Drive accounts. We are a GSuite organization.

Hey @app2,

You would not need the email and password of the user, you can use the Zoom Recording APIs and Webhooks.

Let me know if you have any additional questions! :slight_smile:


Thanks Tommy, but what happend if I need to get all the recordings all the organization by one access (admin), because we have 300 accounts and we can’t do it 1 by 1 at the moment. Can we do it in a “massive way”, just with a Zoom admin account?


Hello. I’m trying develop an app to get recordings of Zoom and transfer to Google Drive. I’m using this documentation:

The problem is, In my list of markeplaces Scopes doesn’t appears these: recording:read:admin or account:read:admin

Why do I have to do?

Hey @app2,

Based on the screenshot you’ve shared, it looks like you’re likely using a User-Level OAuth app, instead of an Account-Level OAuth app, which is why you’re not seeing those scopes.

You’ll need to use an Account-Level OAuth app to authorize requests to this endpoint. Once you create an account level app, you should be able to use those credentials to authenticate calls to our Reports endpoint successfully.

Just keep in mind that your account admin will need to grant you Admin/Marketplace access to create an account-level app, in case you don’t already have those permissions.

I hope this helps to clarify, but let me know if you still have questions!


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