Please let me know how to invite or call some one using iOS zoom SDK

I am integrating zoom iOS SDK. Here I want to call/invite some one through my app for meeting. Please let me know is there any api in that SDK for that or how can I achieve this.

Hi priyamishra10042014,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. You could leverage the interfaces in to invite other people. Please note that the actually inviting process needs to be handled in your app. If you are looking for the way of how Zoom client does to invite others, that’s an IM feature so it is not included in Zoom Client SDK.


Hi Carson,

I think I confused you.

Actually I am not looking for inviting some one.

Here I just wanted to start a meeting. To start that meeting I tried to get token and Zoom access token same like in your demo code but here I am able to get only zoom access token , not getting access token.

So please help me why I am not getting token.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi Priya,

The tokens and ZAK are retrieved from Zoom API. You may follow the instruction here:

Hope this helps. Thanks!