I want to integrate a Zoom SDK integrated app and host instant meetings like in any other chat apps between the users of my app.
How can I create users. I saw the create user api. the users thus created how can I initiate a call between two such users. I need them as users of my iOS app, not zoom users. And record their chat and call history.
How can I implement this.
Hi Liza,
You may use SSO login: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/native-sdks/iOS/mastering-zoom-sdk/start-join-meeting/sso-login-user/authentication
Or you may use API authentication(use zoom token and zoom access token) to start/join meeting:https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/native-sdks/iOS/mastering-zoom-sdk/start-join-meeting/api-user/authentication
Our demo app has both implementation, you may have a try and find out which one fits your use case.
Hope this helps. Thanks!