Prevent Zoom app from taking over computer's focus

Another +1 from me here, been having a meeting steal control multiple times while just browsing this page hoping for a dev response. Super annoying when there are multiple different people presenting small things and every time they share or stop sharing their screen it hijacks your focus


I just wanted to let everyone on this thread know that we have a feature request open for this. We are currently looking for feedback on how users would want this handled. I would recommend opening a ticket with us and referencing feature request ZOOM-269176. You can open a ticket here:



Why don’t you just fix the issue or give us an option to disable the behavior? It’s incredibly clear from this thread what needs to happen, why are you asking your users to create support requests?


There’s no “How users want this handled”, as is clear from this thread, what we want is the “feature” gone, under a toggle and disabled by default.
It’s extremely annoying and utterly useless.
This shouldn’t be a thing in the first place.


why not have a close zoom room added button in the room controller app, this would solve the issue

I hit this all the time, most recently I was typing in another window while in a breakout room when the dialog came up saying I’d be transferred back to the main room. I hit the Enter key which transferred me immediately, so it looked like I’d rudely left without giving parting words to my breakout room. And then there’s no way to return to the breakout room! There’s no reason to claim focus, just clearly bad software design.


Jesus Christ, can you just disable the focus stealing. This is infuriating. Every time a poll pops up it steals focus. Among other things. How is this still a thing? I am constantly pushing our company to move away from zoom purely because of that. 2 years (based on the ticket age) and you cannot implement this??


Such an annoyance and simple to fix. Amazing that this has still not happened. Are the peaple at Zoom not “eating their own dogfood”, ie. are annoyed by this problem as well?


This is literally driving me insane, this should be considered a bug and it is making me start to hosting meetings using other technology.


Just switched from Nextiva to Zoom for our phone system. I don’t have very many complaints other than this horrible design to steal focus away when a phone call comes in. I’m in the middle of typing on one monitor and when a call comes in focus is immediately taken away by Zoom and I can’t type until I click back to where I was. This is a 2 year old issue that still hasn’t been fixed by Zoom, even for a low priority bug, because honestly this is a bug, it’s sad to see nothing has been done.

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Literally, as I was typing my request ticket, this happened to me twice.

Whomever decided that this was something the Zoom app should do was clearly not a UX engineer or an experienced computer user at all. Nobody likes focus theft and it’s clear that Zoom doesn’t want to spend any money or time on solving its most frustrating issues since this is a 3 year old bug.

And it IS a bug. This is not a feature. They may have intentionally added it, but I refuse to believe a problem like this was written because someone did UAT or UX A/B testing.

For those of you not on Linux, you will probably get the fix for this first (if ever) because Zoom has essentially told me that Linux users will always be dead last in getting any updates, including bug fixes.


I hate this focus taking behavior so much, I don’t know what else to say.

Who in the world could ever design such a thing? You’re just listening to some talk, doing your current thing and BAAM! now you’re not, you’re staring at zoom window so you have to alt-tab back and restore from distraction. This is so annoying I can’t tell how much))


On MacOs (Ventura) - I think - I could solve the issue by switching off the permission for in the System Settings/Privacy & Security/Accessibility. I also restarted Zoom app.

This is so annoying!


How is this still an issue? It’s been what, 3 years now? You know this is the first result from a search for Zoom stealing focus. STOP IT. Hire some UX engineers and study it if you have to, but this ridiculous UX nightmare needs to end. You are HARMING PRODUCTIVITY. Get your app out of the way.


Another +1 for almost all the reasons listed above.

The anger and frustration is clearly increasing in this thread.

It appears as if what seems like a simple request, with a straightforward ask, is going completely unheard.

If opening support tickets is what we need to do, so be it.


I am in awe at the longevity of this thread. I somehow escaped this issue until today. I’m stuck in a college class zoom when suddenly I can’t click ANYTHING. Ive used track pad short cuts to navigate to a new desktop and nothing tricks this awful thing. I was just trying to access my notes! this is most frustrating and if it’s really meant to increase focus, It isn’t working since I am posting this on my phone. major eye roll

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I’ve just updated Zoom on my mac and it seems to have been fixed. I can put the small window out of focus now and something else as the main focus… YAY

Good day all,

Would this be related to when a call comes through on Zoom and it takes the computer focus away from whatever you’re doing? Such as typing in another window?

Why would they set the app to force Window focus on the new call?

Exceedingly frustrating and no option that I can see to disable this behavior.


Greetings, I’ve noticed that the main zoom meeting window reappears by itself when on a zoom meeting, when I have the Firestorm Viewer in focus, but not when I have Brave in focus, and probably not with other programs in focus.

Why is it only happening with Firestorm?

Also I’m using the dual monitor setting, so not sure if that affects anything.

Thank you, Shabbat Shalom.