Random Black screen no errors 1.7.8

Random black screen upon joining webinar and nothing is displayed

No errors are logged:
— initMeeting —
zoom-meeting-1.7.8.min.js:2 {debug: true, leaveUrl: “https://demo.arkage.it/creative-portal/zoom.html”, showMeetingHeader: true, disableInvite: false, disableCallOut: false, …}
zoom-meeting-1.7.8.min.js:2 — joinMeeting —
zoom-meeting-1.7.8.min.js:2 {meetingNumber: “***********”, userName: “dsadsadsdas”, userEmail: “temp@arkage.it”, passWord: “”, dialogMN: “938 9861 9209”, …}
zoom-meeting-1.7.8.min.js:2 >>>>>>>> CREATE JSMEDIASKD INSTANCE <<<<<<<<
zoom-meeting-1.7.8.min.js:2 >>>>>>>>INIT JSMEDIASDK<<<<<<<<
zoom.js:88 {method: “join”, status: true, errorCode: 0, errorMessage: null, result: null}

Which version?


    // it's option if you want to change the WebSDK dependency link resources.
     ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('https://source.zoom.us/1.7.8/lib', '/av'); // CDN version default
    // ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('https://jssdk.zoomus.cn/1.7.8/lib', '/av'); // china cdn option 
    // ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('http://localhost:9999/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib', '/av'); // Local version default



To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to https://demo.arkage.it/creative-portal/zoom.html
  3. Select “Fini <> Sara”
  4. See black screen


Smartphone (please complete the following information):
ios and chrome and safari mac

Additional context
Update: AUDIO STREAM IS WORKING PROPERLY only cam is not working.

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

you can have video back to work ONKLY sharing screen and then reverting to camera…

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we are facing similar issues, lot of black screen instead of video is happening on 1.7.8
reverting to 1.7.7 with no safari / firefox support (??)
as reported, when turned on / off screenshare, video will start work normally

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Glad (and sad!) to see others experiencing it as well. We don’t know of any particulars that cause this, it seems to be a small number of users who get stuck in this state.

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consider we have swapped to OBS and Twitch.
don’t think we ever consider getting back to zoom anymore.

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We have the same error here. Multiple testers, browsers, ios, etc. Once the presenter turns on screenshare and back, the video works, but not before. Any fixes?

Hey @SamHarper, @flippyhead, @mchrenko, @subscriptions1,

Apologies you are experiencing this issue. Our engineers are investigating. (CS-1906)

If you could please share screenshots of the issue, that will help.


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here is mine

Here is one of ours. (I’m the PM not Dev btw)

We intermittently have black screen/no video for the host. We are using Web SDK version 1.7.7. The problem is intermittent and didn’t begin until 5/30. Audio works consistently, but video only works intermittently.

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Also getting a black screen, only for the host though. This happens consistently for us in chrome. Downgrading to 1.7.7 from 1.7.8 resolved the issue.

Does not appear to be an issue in FireFox.

Thanks for the details @sales1, @eperture.dev, @bkirk, @altosdelonco2020,

Our Web SKD engineering team is investigating the issue.

Does this happen only when the host screenshares?


It’s happening to the host video whenever they turn their camera on for us, and it’s every meeting, not just some of them.

Seeming the same issue too. The attendee can see videos without any issues, but the host cannot see the attendee’s video until the attendee shares his / her screen and then stops sharing.

No, in fact we’ve found that when the host shares their screen, it can help clear it up. We haven’t tested that exhaustively, but in our limited testing, screen share clears the video issue up.

Hey @sales1, @qun, @bkirk,

Appreciate the additional details.

Please confirm that you are loading the WASM files before starting / joining the meeting. If they are not loaded completely first via the ZoomMtg.preLoadWasm(); and ZoomMtg.prepareJssdk(); functions, you will see a black screen.


We have this included before calling any Zoom SDK functions.

        // For CDN version default
        ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('https://dmogdx0jrul3u.cloudfront.net/' + zoomVersion + '/lib', '/av');

        // This has to be done

Hi @tommy we were already doing that too:

ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('https://dmogdx0jrul3u.cloudfront.net/1.7.8/lib', '/av');
      show: false,

confirmed bug here, host need to share screen to show the video.

SMH, fixed 1 bug and another appears, can we get this patched like the echo cancellation?

We tried all the possible options to solve black screen issues without any success.



Everyday we face angry customers yelling at us and laughing at us due this issue , please see the attached video we have screen recorded for your reference , please help us ?
Given below links are screen records we have done to show the issue

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l-zIT2-5RSVfyAbaT9F1yf0glcQ051Md/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rq4hHiBq_5sVEXBIsMPrs0yvxZ5jCdbI/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wM4WqGIFNYXKfB4hoB1j1p8cDEUYshSM/view?usp=sharing

Meeting url which we used to screen record.

as https://provider.ortholive.com/meeting/6YIb1Nvt6ky0QVE8Qj9Yz0ykukTvsj ;

We are not able downgrade to 1.7.7 also , on 1.7.7 there was audio issue and video is getting freeze

Every release puts us into lot of pressure and anxiety due to unstable and not usable product for what we pay