Receiveing emails even registration turned off

Hello, I’m receiving the e-mails of a couple of participants in my meetings even having the registration setting turned off.

Could you tell me why?

Can I keep receiving that emails even without the participant registrations?

To give more information that is the result requested on endpoint

    "uuid": "DwG/kdMXTL2cDWOZzONlWA==",
    "id": 92004044965,
    "host_id": "H5O2Y9eSRB2s59tAWELd6A",
    "host_email": "",
    "assistant_id": "",
    "topic": "Aula ao vivo - Turma 16 - Tribo A",
    "type": 3,
    "status": "waiting",
    "timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
    "agenda": "",
    "created_at": "2022-02-11T17:32:00Z",
    "start_url": "",
    "join_url": "",
    "settings": {
        "host_video": false,
        "participant_video": false,
        "cn_meeting": false,
        "in_meeting": false,
        "join_before_host": false,
        "jbh_time": 0,
        "mute_upon_entry": true,
        "watermark": false,
        "use_pmi": false,
        "approval_type": 2,
        "audio": "both",
        "auto_recording": "none",
        "enforce_login": true,
        "enforce_login_domains": "",
        "alternative_hosts": "",
        "alternative_host_update_polls": true,
        "close_registration": false,
        "show_share_button": false,
        "allow_multiple_devices": false,
        "registrants_confirmation_email": true,
        "waiting_room": false,
        "request_permission_to_unmute_participants": false,
        "global_dial_in_countries": [
        "global_dial_in_numbers": [],
        "registrants_email_notification": true,
        "meeting_authentication": true,
        "authentication_option": "signIn_N-L5-Ke0T224mzn9Hwq_Wg",
        "authentication_name": "Fazer login no Zoom",
        "authentication_domains": "",
        "additional_data_center_regions": [],
        "encryption_type": "enhanced_encryption",
        "language_interpretation": {
            "enable": false
        "approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions": {
            "enable": false
        "breakout_room": {
            "enable": false
        "alternative_hosts_email_notification": true,
        "device_testing": false,
        "focus_mode": false,
        "private_meeting": false,
        "email_notification": true
    "pre_schedule": false

Hi @moroni.sauner ,

What type of emails are you getting please? When they’ve joined the meeting? Registered? Accepted invite? etc.


Hi @gianni.zoom,

No one was registered for that meeting or invited to the meeting. So… all participants joined the meeting by a link.

Hi @moroni.sauner ,

What is the email that you are receiving? Can you share a screenshot please with sensitive info blocked out?
