Recordings for a meeting is not retrieved when deployed to server

I have a rather interesting issue. I have been using zoom API for years and below is sippet code I use .net to get recording. This works FINE in my local, in client’s one deployment but does not work in a subdomain deployment. the first 2 brings recordings fine with exact same code but subdomain .net deployment finds no recording. it is same meetingId, code is same. no errors

        HttpClient client = getHTTPClient();
        var task = await client.GetAsync(ZOOM_API_BASE_URI + "v2/meetings/" + meetingId + "/recordings");
        var responseContent = await task.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        dynamic recordings = JObject.Parse(responseContent);

The full error message or issue you are running into.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

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Hey @oydem,

What is the response / error you are receiving when calling the GET /v2/meetings/{meetingId}/recordings endpoint?
