Redirect URL for OAuth with variable in URL when submit app


I’m trying to submit my app to Zoom Marketplace. In “App credentials” section it asks for the “Redirect URL for OAuth”. My redirect URL contains variables in it. The question is, how should I write the URL? What should be written instead of USERNAME_VARIABLE and VARIABLE? I can not use static URL for redirect and the URL has to be exactly like below, otherwise it will not work.

Also in section “Feature” it says “Use this verification token to validate an event notification request from for this app”. I didn’t find much about this, what should I do and where to add this token.

Thank you for your help.

Hey @arcangelgirl,

You can just submit a default redirect url. Just make sure your domain is in your whitelist.

See my explanation here:

This is for validating that any webhooks you receive come from Zoom and not a DDOS attacker.
