Registration_id missing on users join via link and authentication problem

This is my workflow.

A new meeting is created via API with create_meeting. I experimented both with registration_type: 1 and registration_type: 2 .

In theory, all participants to the meeting are previously registered and receive a join link via email. They should be able to join the meeting by clicking on the link they receive via email. I don’t need a “waiting room”, I don’t need a “meeting password”, I don’t need them to be logged in zoom and I don’t understand why I’m required to select one of these options while my users have a valid token. But this is not the point.

In many cases, I have many users without a valid “registrant_id” field in the report_meeting_participants obtained after the meeting with the API.

E.g. meeting 91583889681 by user has all its users without a registrant_id. I don’t know why, I don’t have access to any kind of log and feedback.


Thanks for reaching out about this.

Can you ensure that you’re including the following query param in your request URL?

If this parameter isn’t included, this field will not be returned.

Let me know—thanks!

Yes I’m including that parameter. The API includes “registrant_id” often. It doesn’t sometimes, meaning for some entries.

Can you look in your logs why registrant_id is not present in the meeting I’ve provided you the id?


Thanks for confirming. In checking the Meeting instances from 2021-04-06, I can see that many of these participants don’t appear to have been logged in to the Zoom client when they joined the meeting. Can you confirm that the users were logged in and joined using their registration URLs? Do you know how these participants are joining—is it possible they’re not using their unique registrant URLs, but perhaps a generic join url?


I don’t know if they were logged in to zoom. How can I control that? Should they be? Why, if they have a valid link with unique registrant id?
I would really like to avoid that if at all possibile. What I would like to happen is the following.

  • The user receives an email with the link.
  • They click on the link and they join.

They should not need a zoom account and they shouldn’t be able to join otherwise. In theory I don’t distribute any “generic join url”. In theory, it shouldn’t even exists. Can’t you check what url - referral - was used to join the meeting?

I’ve a working theory that the join url might be corrupted by some email clients, but I don’t really have any way to check it.


When you’re calling the Get Meeting Participants Report API, are you using the Meeting ID or are you using the Meeting UUID?

If you’re using the Meeting ID, I would try using the Meeting UUID just to ensure that you’re querying the correct instance of the meeting.

If that doesn’t help, please send an email to with a link to this thread. In that email, please include the request that you’re making to the Get Meeting Participants Report API as well as the response that you’re seeing.

I’ll use that information to find out why some users don’t have a registrant_id.


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