Request for Enhanced API Support to determine us User's last meeting activity

We are using the Meetings Reports API : GET /report/users/{userId}/meetings (Zoom Meeting API) to track the last meeting activity for our users. However, the API rate limit falls under the HEAVY category and at 60,000 users we are hitting the rate limits, thus causing the job to fail and leaving remaining users unprocessed.

We would like to know if there any plans to develop an API that can:

  1. Return the last meeting activity for users more efficiently?
  2. Offer higher rate limits or batch processing capabilities?
  3. Provide alternative solutions for handling large user bases effectively?

Hi @snow1 , there isn’t another endpoint or webhook that supplies the full details you’d receive in the reports API one. But we can do a rate limit increase request. Is that something you’d be interested in?

Hi @gianni.zoom

Will this rate limit increase request be exclusive to our account, or will it affect the entire API for all users?

Hi @snow1 , I’m not sure the distinction between your account and users. Rate limit increases are account-wide meaning all users who are able to query the API will benefit from the increase. Were you asking because you have sub accounts?

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