Response duplicate meeting id while using Zoom API

Hi, i have a issue about meeting ids.

i sent this url zoomurl/v2/users/#{userid}/meetings
then it returned same or used meeting id.

and i sent ‘zoomurl/v2/meetings+ meetingId’ using the returned meeting id but returned this message

Response Body: {"code":3001,"message":"Meeting does not exist: meetingId."}

I think it’s because it’s a meeting ID I’ve already used.
Since this problem occurred today maby 12 pm , how can I solve it?

Please reply, Thank you.

Hi @secure
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Are you still having this issue and is this happening to all your meetings?
could you share the meeting ID with me so I can take a closer look at this

Hello, Elisa

Thank your reply.

i still having this issue and all my meetings.

my clients didn’t use zoom meeting from yesterday.

i am trying about things but i can’t resolve:(

we use meeting IDs but i share one meeting IDs ‘86945079565’.

if you need all IDs then reply to me!

Thank you and i wait your reply.

I am not able to see the meeting you shared in our backend. I will send you a DM to get more information about this

Where can I check DM?

on the top right corner you should see a notification