Responses from Scheduler API does not sync with 3rd party calendar


I’m trying to integrate the Scheduler API into our product. I’ve sync my google calendar in the dashboard and testing that it works by following the link for the booking page I’ve created. The available slots shown on the booking page does indeed align with availability in my google calendar.

However when I call /v2/scheduler/availability/ to get my availability it just shows the default avaibility schedule I’ve setup in the dashboard. It doesn’t sync with my google calendar. I just get:

    "availability_id": "******",
    "default": true,
    "name": "Working hours",
    "owner": "******",
    "segments_recurrence": {
        "mon": [
                "end": "17:00",
                "start": "09:00"
        "tue": [
                "end": "17:00",
                "start": "09:00"
        "wed": [
                "end": "17:00",
                "start": "09:00"
        "thu": [
                "end": "17:00",
                "start": "09:00"
        "fri": [
                "end": "17:00",
                "start": "09:00"
    "time_zone": "Europe/Berlin"

I thought I’d might try to fetch my calendar instead. I’ve set bi-directional sync up between my google calendar and my zoom calendar in the dashboard. But when calling


I get:

    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["calendar:read:admin","calendar:read"]"

I’ve checked all the scopes related to calendar… but I cannot find calendar:read:admin nor calendar:read in the list… Below is a list of all the calendar service scopes enabled on the token I’m using:

calendar:read:event:admin calendar:read:color:admin calendar:read:acl:admin calendar:update:event:admin calendar:read:list_events:admin calendar:write:calendar:admin calendar:read:list_acl:admin calendar:update:acl:admin calendar:write:acl:admin calendar:write:move_event:admin calendar:write:import_event:admin calendar:write:event:admin calendar:delete:event:admin calendar:write:watch_acl:admin calendar:read:instance_event:admin calendar:update:calendar:admin calendar:write:stop_channel:admin calendar:delete:acl:admin calendar:write:watch_event:admin calendar:write:quick_add_event:admin calendar:read:calendar:admin calendar:delete:calendar:admin calendar:update:setting:admin

Please help me: How can I using the Zoom API get the available slots of my employees and book them like I’m doing with the scheduler embed?