Retrieving the "account_id" as sent by Webhooks


I am writing documentation for an oAuth application to be submitted to the app store. I require configuration on my side to happen upfront before I authorize the ingestion of meeting recording completed events. In order to do this I need to ask users to send me their account_id upfront, is there any way this can be extracted from or a similar user-friendly method?


Hey @MarkWalsh,

A clever way to do it is by JWT Decoding an access token. Once decoded, you will see a JSON object with the accountID.


Hello Tommy, thanks for this, is there a more user friendly (non-technical way) of doing this?

Hey @MarkWalsh,

So basically you need their Account ID right after they install the app?

If so I may have a programmatic solution for you utilizing an “Install Webhook” that has the Account ID in it.

Or you can immeditaly JWT Decode the access token to get the Account ID.

Unfortunately there is no way to see your accountID on the Zoom Web Portal. You can however see your account number on your Zoom Profile.
