[S2S Auth] Unable to use Create Meeting endpoint -- Lists meetings instead of expected response schema

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

POST /users/{userId}/meetings
reference doc:


I am unable to create a meeting through the “Create Meeting” endpoint.

When attempting to use the endpoint it appears the endpoint (POST) is returning the same results at the GET /users/{userId}/meetings.

I don’t see any particularly required fields and I’ve experimented plenty with the formatting and presence of fields that may be required.

Sanity Check:

[ x ] Authenticated
[ x ] tested other endpoints successfully
[ x ] 200 status code on POST request (triple checked HTTP method)
[ x ] confirmed scope of app:
- user:read/write:admin
- meeting:read/write:admin

How To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. POST https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/{userId}/meetings
  2. App uses Server-to-server OAuth using
    POST https://zoom.us/oauth/token?grant_type=account_credentials&account_id={{account_id}}
  3. no errors


note: the response schema is identical to the “List Meetings” endpoint, e.g. meetings field


UPDATE: After comparing with the official postman, I left out the protocol from my URI

from the docs:

All endpoints are available via https and are located at api.zoom.us/v2/.

So changing api.zoom.us/v2https://api.zoom.us/v2 resolved my issue

Looks like based on the app’s call logs, my POST requests are all registering as GET requests (sent via Postman)

Hi @program , I cannot reproduce this behavior. I know you said it’s for sure, POST, but can please share a screenshot of the request URL?

Thanks for getting back to me Gianni

Here’s an image of the request:

UPDATE: After comparing with the official postman, I left out the protocol from my URI

from the docs:

All endpoints are available via https and are located at api.zoom.us/v2/.

So changing api.zoom.us/v2https://api.zoom.us/v2 resolved my issue

This issue is mainly caused by Postman’s default redirect behavior (in this case Zoom redirects us from HTTP://… to HTTPS://…) which changes the request method POST to GET instead

Awesome @program , glad it’s resolved. For future reference, we also have a public workspace with pre-populated request info to help support consistency and accuracy: Postman