Salesforce App: Use "Start Zoom Meeting" button from Person Account layout

@tommy added the Start Zoom Meeting on Lead and Person Account. Upon clicking, I’m getting 2 separate errors

Unfortunately, I can’t upload another screen show due to the forum restriction. I can create more than 3 consecutive reply post as well

Hey @derekhoikiat.chung,

Have you installed the latest version from the Salesforce App Exchange? This issue should be fixed.


@tommy I did a fresh install on a new Salesforce demo instance. The version of Zoom is 3.12

Hey @derekhoikiat.chung,

And you are still seeing the same issue? Let me know and we will look into this further.


Hi Tommy, I just installed this today (V 3.12) as Derek but I am also unable to start a zoom meeting from Person Account. Contact object is working fine for me. I am getting the same exception when it comes to person account:

Hey @shaldar,

Can you please provide steps to reproduce this issue so we can investigate further?


Hi Tommy,

Click on Any Person Accounts (e.g., Julie Morris). I have added the Start Zoom meeting button in the layout however upon clicking on it it says “start meeting from Account Object is not allowed as of now”. Please note that Person Accounts are individual accounts that are part of Account objects. These are typically used for individual customers such as a Bank account holder. We are also using Financial Services Cloud but that shouldn’t matter.

Hey @shaldar,

Thanks for the details. We are looking into this issue and will get back to you with an update. :slight_smile:


Hey @shaldar,

This should now be fixed. Please update the Zoom Salesforce Integration on the Salesforce App Exchange. :slight_smile:


Has anyone tested this to verify that it works on Person Accounts?

Hi @rbernier,

Good question—as long as your personal account meets these prerequisites, you should be able to use this integration:


I’ll give it a shot, thanks!

Thanks, @rbernier! Let us know if you run into questions.
