Sample Code or Tutorial for Add Webinar Registrant API?

I’m not a developer, but I have an independent, stand-alone registration form page that I want to integrate with the Zoom webinar registration system. I was wondering if anyone knew of any sample or example code or tutorial that would show how this is done? I’ve never worked with APIs before, and don’t really know how the pieces need to fit together, but if I had a sample blueprint to work off of, I could probably figure out how to reverse engineer it into the registration form that I already have. If anyone knows of any such reference, it would be very helpful to me. Thanks.

Hi @dlc3172

Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
Please find a link to our API Documentation here:

These docs will be very helpful for you while developing your app.

Also find a link to a Sample app that our very own Max created that might give you an idea on how to start up with our Endpoints.

Hope this helps

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