Sample rate 16K hz

I have to record a session with audio sample rate of 16000 Hz. I am recording the session it has the sample rate of 32000 Hz but I need the sample rate of 16000 Hz
How to do this any help plz???

Hey @mominnabeelahmed123,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

I apologize, but I do not believe I understand. Are you saying the SDK is changing your audio sample rate?


How can I record zoom session having audio sample rate 16000 hz?

Hey @mominnabeelahmed123,

I do not think the SDK has the capability to modify this for you, this would have to be done manually.


I can do it manually from where? please give details of the settings and how it will impact the zoom recording?
please guideā€¦

Hey @mominnabeelahmed123,

The SDK does not record the session for you. We can only give guidance on SDK functionality.


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