Screen Share Error with odd sized windows

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Video SDK Type and Version
sdk version 1.10.8

When a host attempts to share a smaller sized/odd sized window such as a terminal window of imessages window the below error is being displayed on the host’s browser. The result on the client side is a green screen.

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute ‘copyTo’ on ‘VideoFrame’: destination is not large enough.

Troubleshooting Routes
I’ve been attempting to change the size of the video element on the host side and the canvas on the participant with no luck…

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
*1. Try sharing screen through normal documented process:


if (stream.isStartShareScreenWithVideoElement()) {
  await stream.startShareScreen(
  // screen share successfully started and rendered
} else {
  await stream.startShareScreen(
  // screen share successfully started and rendered


client.on('active-share-change', (payload) => {
  if (payload.state === 'Active') {
  } else if (payload.state === 'Inactive') {

Host Error View:

Participant Error View:


*3. All browsers


Anyway you could take a look at this? I am doing a live test of this soon… would really appreciate the help. Thank you!

@chunsiong.zoom Anyway you could assist on this? Thanks!

Hey @sam9

Could you share the session ID with us for troubleshooting purposes?


Thanks for the response @vic.yang !

Session ID is : xBUZ/w6vR9aBtYafKWfMTA==

Hey @sam9

Thank you for sharing the session ID with us. We are currently analyzing the logs to identify the cause of the issue.


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@vic.yang Just checking if any updates on this. Thanks!

Hey @sam9

We haven’t been able to reproduce the issue in our local environment. Could you please enable SharedArrayBuffer and retry? Alternatively, you can try using our sample app to see if the issue persists.


Hi @vic.yang

The problem persists with SharedArrayBuffer on as well as this actually happens on Zoom’s current public web platform. With SharedArrayBuffer you just get a black screen with no shared content. Seeing this is occurring on the public web product it seems this might be a problem with Zoom? I tested sharing the same window on Google Meet web and it worked fine…

Is there some limitation to odd sized windows in Zoom screen sharing as a whole?

See below gif of bug. Screen share doesn’t work when I select my messages window or the terminal window. Works fine if I select screen… having same issue on my video sdk implementation with or without shared array buffer. Not happening on Google Meet


Hey @sam9

Thank you for providing additional scenarios related to this issue. We are currently analyzing the root cause.

To aid in our investigation, it would be greatly appreciated if you could report this issue related to the meeting. You can do this by following these steps: go to the bottom toolbar > Settings > About > Send report. Afterward, could you please share the tracking ID with us?



Trackng ID: bb145d5a-d5d9-45f4-8efe-4d30fa0c40f8

Hey @sam9

Thank you for sharing this exceptional case with us.

We do acknowledge that there are some issues with screen sharing in this scenario, and we will address them in the next version.


Thanks @vic.yang Any idea on timeline till next version?

Hi @vic.yang, this error is happening to me too
I managed to replicate it using a copy of the zoom demo with the sdk versions “1.10.8” and “1.11.0”.
It looks like the problem was happening with Macs users that uses Chrome (it didn’t happen to me in Safari in my few tests)
With Windows users there was no error when screen sharing Windows applications
Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t work, we tried to share a pdf file with “Preview” (in Mac) and it didn’t work at first, but after more test it finally worked
Also we tried resizing the app to full screen or another size, and we got no results, the issue was still happening
This is how the frozen render loooked for the viewer

And the same error about “Failed to execute ‘copyTo’ on ‘VideoFrame’: destination is not large enough.” showed on the console.

Session Id of “1.10.8” version test: ECE6R8e+SCyZS/4CNRP9qQ==
Session Id of “1.11.0” version test: Lqbqul7QSSe50IABsB9tCw==