Screen sharing with Network Connectivity issues

I was having some errors related to the screen sharing using the video sdk, the problem occurs when a user tries to share the screen, ti took a long time to load the screen share (from 15 to 30 seconds) on the viewer (my client), and sometimes It didn’t load
When my client tried to share his screen it took 5 seconds maximum to load to me, so I though it was a network issue, but I’m not sure if it’s related to something else.
Checking on the logs of the sessions we found out that he has the “Screen share quality” as bad, but we don’t know if it onlymeans that when he shares his screen, the quality is bad for other viewers, or that he can’t see the screen share too
Could you help me to know if it is a network issue, or what could be the trouble?
The session id is:


I connected with the user “jasonmichel”, my client (the guy with issues of not loading the screen share) connected as “davidjohnson”, and another mate connected as “joey”, with him there was no issues about sharing and loading screen share

Which Web Video SDK version?

Video SDK Code Snippets

client.on(‘active-share-change’, async (payload) => { //This event is triggered
if (payload.state === VideoActiveState.Active) {
await stream.startShareView(canvas, payload.userId); //But this is causing the error
} else if (payload.state === VideoActiveState.Inactive) {
// …

Device (where screen share didn’t load as viewer):

  • Device: Macbook
  • OS: macOs Ventura 13.1
  • Chip: Apple M1 Pro
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser Version 124.0.6367.62 (Official Build) (arm64)

We made another tests using the zoom demo application in the current version “1.11.0” and the problems was still persistent
My client (San Francisco User), my mate (Guadalajara User) and me (Guadalupe User) connected to a session, I tried to share and it took like 20 seconds to load, my mate tried to share and it took 10 seconds at much, and my client tried to share and it took like 30 seconds to load his screen
Here are the details of that session, and the session id:


The werid thing is that the video quality and audio quality seems fine, and once we the share screen was loaded, it was rendered fine (in high quality)
I saw there was an option to sacrifice the quality for high frame rate, but we need a good quality (without high frame rate)
Do you know if it’s it related to the network connection, to the distance between us, or to some zoom session settings we need to configure?

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