Sign out user from browser using api



  1. im using web api to create meetings. when a user click this link, the user signs in browser automatically. how  can i disable it?

2)im using delete /users/{userid}/token method to sign out user. Unfortunatelly, this method sign out only application not browser. How can i sign out user from browser? Is there an api for that?

Hi Meeting Room1, 

  1. Which are you using the join_url or start url? If its the start_url it is by design to automatically sign in the user to start the meeting. 

  2. Unfortunately, we do not have another api for signing out via browser as this endpoint only signs out via the client. 



  1. start_url. when the user clicks this url, why automatically sign in. so, the user can see all things about this account. Is there an option to disable this or something like that?

  2. I tried changing password of any account using api to sign out from browser. This process only worked one time. In the next trials no action about sign out even if password is changed.



Hello Meeting Room1, 

The purpose of the start_url is for the host to login and join the meeting as the host, that is why you usually see a Zak parameter with the start_url. Also, the start_url should be only used by the host of the meeting and every other user can use the join_url. 

As far as signing out, changing the password is one workaround that can be used. When you try to do sign out after the first time did you receive any errors?



I understand. When i am in meeting as host, i can log out from browser and continue to meeting. So, be log in or log out doesnt look like important. Am i wrong?

I had changed password via api. When the user refreshed page on browser, signed out automatically. Thats okay but i tried changing password again. when the user refreshed again, nothing happened, user appeared online on browser. I expected that user signed out automatically.


Hello Michael Purnell and others. When I host a zoom my zoom members have an URGENT related issue. I could start a new forum thread here. I googled and found no answer. I wanted to ease in here…

My Employee Pat has 3 google accounts, Home gmail, and Biz gmail account with me, and a junk gmail accunt.
Pat forgets they last used zoom with their home account
Pat clicks work URL and attempts to join work zoom, but our biz has domain restrictions,

result: Pat is very upset, but does not see a clear link to sign out and try their work account. They call us and we have to explain over the phone how to logout. and that’s not easy. Finding the logout tools is not easy on web zoom and the zoom app and the mobile app. So much training load on me the zoom host.

expected result: When a user is rejected due to domain restrictions they get a button to logout, reset, and try as different account

workaround: Give me a URL that when they click it , they are forced logout

footnotes:i’ve used google meet to witness that on chromebooks the customer becomes locked into the wrong logon for zoom. It is really hard to log them out.

note: we use domain security so we do not get zoom bombed. And if pat shares a zoom with fellow staff members, they can join the meeting, but they can not change their name to be pat.

In my emails to Pat I can say before you join zoom link 2, click link 1 below to logout

  1. URL to logout

  2. URL to join zoom

Hi @Wally54,

In order to make sure you can get assistance with this, please reach out to our Support Team here. They’ll be best suited to help.
