Split Zoom Meeting in Single Screen

Split Zoom Meeting in Single Screen on .xaml page.

Which Mobile Client SDK version?
xamaring.ios.zoom or xamarin.andorid.zoom

Additional context
Can I change the join meeting ui in half of my device screenThe screen waiting room screen or meeting room screen.Basically I want to customize the join meeting screen.
Is it possible and how I can achieve this?

I am using below code by default it takes me to Meeting UI or for attendees is shows the waiting room screen on ios device(Full screen)
I want to split screen for meeting ui screen to half screen of ios device what changes do I need to change zoom meeting screen size to half ?

public void JoinMeeting(string meetingId, string displayName, string meetingPassword)
if (IsInitialized())
var meetingService = zoomSDK.MeetingService;

            meetingService.JoinMeetingWithParams(Android.App.Application.Context, new JoinMeetingParams
                MeetingNo = meetingId,
                DisplayName = displayName,
                Password = meetingPassword

Hey @tushars,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

For this level of customization you would need to use a Custom Meeting UI and build it out yourself.


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