Start Meeting how to Host or Co-Host

I am starting the meeting as a co-host, but the time to actually pass the data join plus does not start it.
In the StartMeetingWithOutLogin method I send the following parameters:

  var opt = {
      meetingnum: meetingnum,
      zoomaccesstoken: zoomaccesstoken,
      username: username,
      userid: 'jTLP2K1lTh-mUG9fx0pizQ',
      zoomusertype: ZoomUserType.ZoomUserType_APIUSER

Do I need to add more params to the opts?

Which Electron Meeting SDK version?
Meeting SDK - Electron: version 5.7.6

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Mac Mini (M1)
  • OS: macOS Big Sur v11.6

I saw this other topic, but didn’t see any solution:

Michael Vega

When login with email or SSO, can I host or co-host?

Does anyone know how to generate user token from StartMeetingWithOutLogin?

StartMeetingWithOutLogin(userid, usertoken, zoomaccesstoken, username, zoomusertype, meetingnum, vanityid, directshareappwndhandle, customer_key, isdirectsharedesktop, isvideooff, isaudiooff) → {Number}

Has anyone managed to fix this? @tommy, do you know anything about this? I would appreciate.

Find out how to start a meeting as a host or co-host.

I created a service that requests the Zoom API for the usertoken.

In the StartMeetingWithOutLogin method, we send all the parameters together with the usertoken and with this we can start as a host or co-host.

The link for Zoom API is this Zoom API

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