Testing the authorization flow from Zoom Marketplace app page of yet unpublished app

I have created a new app and I would like to test the authorization flow with my dev environment. I’m wondering if it’s possible to test the flow:

  1. Going to the Zoom Marketplace yet unpublished app page,
  2. Clicking on the Install button, in order to get auth key and get user redirected to an app on local dev,
  3. Doing something with the app locally having the auth key from Zoom.

How can I access the marketplace app page?

Hi @piotrkudo,

Yes, this should be possible. You can use the preview URL to view your draft app’s marketplace page:

You can then click the Install button on that page to test the OAuth flow.


Where can I find it?

Hi @piotrkudo,

You should see this option on the Submit tab of your app, once all the required fields have been completed and a Publishable URL has been generated.

Let me know if it helps,

Thanks for the information.