The Meeting Number is wrong - webSDK 1.7.4

Hi Tommy

Seem to be all good now, everything is running smooth, thanks for all the efforts

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Happy to hear! :slight_smile:


Hey Tommy,

Iā€™m using WebSDK 1.7.8 in which iā€™m facing same error ā€œMeeting Number is wrongā€, However Iā€™m not sure what is going wrong here as I can see the data that is being sent on Joining a meeting seems fine to me.

Can you please help me here.


Hi @vishant777,

Would you mind sharing the meeting ID and error that shows in the console log?


Hi @michael_p.zoom,

The last generated meeting ID was - *********** (As of now Iā€™m going with new meeting ID in each request so that I can just check the functionality which is required in our WebApp), and below is the error


*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

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Hi @vishant777,

I did a quick test to see if this works on the native client & it looks like the meeting ID *********** is invalid. Is this meeting ID yours or someone elseā€™s? If itā€™s yours are you able to see this within the Zoom Web Portal?


*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Hi @michael_p.zoom,

Yes, Its mine, and I can see this in Zoom Web Portal.

Just for more clarity, Firstly Iā€™m creating a meeting and then Iā€™m joining the same with the help of an example given here -


Hi @michael_p.zoom,

I have debug the code and it seems the meeting number wasnā€™t getting updated at the server side which was causing meeting number is wrong error, so finally it is fixed.

But without host approval it doesnā€™t let me in, Can you please suggest which property Iā€™d need to pass at the time of meeting creation is it - ā€œoption_jbhā€ or something else.


Hi @vishant777,

You would need to enabled ā€œJoin before hostā€ in your meeting settings within the Zoom Portal.


Hi @michael_p.zoom,

I have already enabled that within the zoom portal(The Basic Plan) but when I create the meeting(not via zoom portal) and try to join the same it says the meeting isnā€™t started yet.


Hi @vishant777,

There is a bug where if you have join before host and waiting room set, it will not allow users to join. Please either disable join before host or waiting room.
