Think my account isn't producing the right sdk tokens

zoom video sdk for web 1.9.7

I forked the pure-js web demo for zoom video sdk for web, edited the config with my respective info and I got the error: type: ‘JOIN_MEETING_FAILED’, reason: ‘This account does not exist or does not belong to you’, errorCode: 200} so I thought okay, fair enough maybe its outdated, so I tried my own very bare bones application making sure all parameters matched according to the documentation and this is my js:
const ZoomVideo = window.WebVideoSDK.default;

var videoClient = ZoomVideo.createClient();

var session, user, token;

var videoCanvas = document.getElementById(‘video-canvas’)

videoClient.init(‘US-en’, ‘Global’, {
sdkKey: ‘mykey’,
jwtToken: ‘mytoken’,
enforceMultipleVideos: true

videoClient.join(‘SPTest’, ‘mytoken’, ‘seb123’);

I get the same error again
type: ‘JOIN_MEETING_FAILED’, reason: ‘This account does not exist or does not belong to you’, errorCode: 200}

The token I’ve passed in is the one generated on the zoom market place found alongside my sdk key and secret. If i click build app it says build video SDK app so I’m definitely not using zoom meeting sdks by mistake.

At this point I can only think my account has been glitched or something that it’s not producing valid sdk tokens, my company is putting me on a deadline to have something to show for using video sdk and it’s frustrating as I have spent all day with nothing to show

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Hi @seb
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Can you confirm that you created a specific video SDK account?
Did you create it here???

I was using the zoom video sdk links but I was using the generated API JWT (found underneath sdk key and sdk secret) which gave me the user not found error. Then when I tried my own JWT I got JWT verification failed, but I believe I didn’t have a matching ‘tpc’ in my JWT payload and parameter for the topic in the client.join method, it’s solved now

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Thank you so much for sharing the above link. It helped me a lot for solving my problem. Amazing platform.

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