Zoom Video SDK sample does not work


How to correct “This account does not exist or does not belong to you” error?

Browser Console Error

zoomsdkjsonpcallback1({status: false, errorCode: 300, errorMessage: “This account does not exist or does not belong to you”})

  1. errorCode: 300
  2. errorMessage: “This account does not exist or does not belong to you”
  3. status: false

Which Web Video SDK version?

cloned GitHub - zoom/videosdk-web-sample: Zoom Video SDK web sample as of today.

Video SDK Code Snippets

Just using the sample as-is.

To Reproduce(If applicable)

I cloned GitHub - zoom/videosdk-web-sample: Zoom Video SDK web sample repo and modified purejs-demo/src/js/config.js so that sdkKey and sdkSecret are valid ones (these strings are obtained from “SDK Key” and “SDK Secret” from “Created Apps (Type: SDK)” → “App credentials” page.

Then, according to README, I did npm install && npm run start.

I can then access localhost:3000. Next, on pressing “Join” button, the message “Joining session, sit tight…” is shown. But with Developer Tools of Chrome, the above error is shown on Network tab (preview).

What should I do to correct the problem?

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Mac mini
  • OS: macOS 11.6
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser Version 95.0.4638.69(Official Build)(arm64)

Additional context

Note: I modified package.json of purejs-demo directory:
original: “webpack-cli”: “4.5.0”,
modified: “webpack-cli”: “4.9.0”,
because the webpack-cli 4.5.0 throwed an error on “npm run start”.

Hi there,

I got the same problem. Haven’t found a solution yet?

Hey @Nurkassym , @kato ,

Double check you are using a Video SDK Account Type. :slight_smile:


Hey @tommy ,

OK, I’ll check it

Happy to help! :slight_smile:


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