Tokens are not generating for new user authorizations

Authorization code is provided but while trying to generate the token, the request is providing me an error:

{“reason”:“Invalid Grant”,“error”:“invalid_grant”}

Request Sample:
-H ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
-d ‘grant_type=authorization_code&code=[AUTH_CODE_RECEIVED]&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]’

This is only for the new authorizations, for already authorized users its working fine with refresh_token API call and correct token is being returned.

Please help.

Hi @manish.agarwal
thanks for reaching out to us! I am happy to help here!
Is your app published in the Marketplace? If so, what’s the name of the app so I can do some testing on my end

Hi Elisa, thanks for your revert.

The app name is Hapana and is in published on Marketplace.

Kindly let me know if you have any other question.


Hi Eliza, anything for me on the issue posted regarding Hapana app at MarketPlace?

I am still waiting to get the application work for the new authorizations.

Hi @manish.agarwal
I am so sorry for the late reply, I did not get a notification on this reply.
Next time feel free to tag me so I get a notification on my end :slight_smile:

Let me take a look into your app and will come back to you with an update

Hi @manish.agarwal
I am trying to authorize your app on my end but asking me for a login, I have sent you a private message, could you please follow up there

Hi Elisa,

Happy to jump on the call with you if you are available today.

Eagerly waiting this to be done.

Meanwhile I will share you on your personal email complete payload and calls that have been exchanged for verification.


Hi @elisa.zoom replied the details to your personal message.

Thanks @manish.agarwal
I replied in that private thread, please follow up there :slight_smile: