Error 5 when initializing MacOS SDK

I have Mac Catalyst app and I’m trying to use Zoom MacOS SDK via a plugin. It builds fine, I followed steps from the guide but when initializing SDK I’m getting error.

SDK failed to initialize: ZMVideoSDKErrors(rawValue: 5)

I have error log (I cant post links, just add https and remove spaces…)
gist . github. com/Gamec/da367035475111236355ee749453f8c2

unfortunately it’s encoded so I can’t read it. Hopefully it says what’s wrong, can you help?

Init code:

       let initParams = ZMVideoSDKInitParams()
        initParams.domain = ""
        initParams.enableLog = true
        initParams.logFilePrefix = "ZoomSDK";
        let sdkInitReturnStatus = ZMVideoSDK.shared().initialize(initParams)
        switch sdkInitReturnStatus {
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Success:
                print("SDK initialized successfully")
                print("SDK failed to initialize: \(sdkInitReturnStatus)")

I know that this error means “Unable to load module from the library. Usually appears when you do not have the complete SDK library or mix up the libraries from different versions.”. However I have no idea what modules cannot be loaded.

Which macOS Video SDK version?

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: MacBook Pro M1 Pro
  • OS: MacOS 14.2

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