Twilio migration - Meeting SDK or Video SDK?

I’m migrating our solution from Twilio to Zoom. I have already explored Video SDK but struggling to understand Meeting SDK usecases. I am particularly interested in having the Zoom UI that comes with Meeting SDK since I won’t have to handle the UI, screen share, chat etc. Below is my current use case in Twilio, could anyone let me know if this is achievable using Meeting SDK:

  • Host schedules a meeting from within our web app
  • Guest receives an email with the meeting URL (points directly to the web app, not any meeting. guest then connects to the meeting after SMS OTP auth)
  • None of the users have to do any extra authentication or enter info to connect to the meeting (Host has to login to the web app, guest first needs to enter SMS OTP then gets to join the meeting)
  • After ending the call, recording is stored in AWS S3 for processing

I understand how Video SDK works but when trying to use Meeting SDK, i am confused with the concept of “App” and “Publishing” and also OAuth flow.

hi @r.asgari.g,

Thank you for reaching out! From what you’ve described, it does seem like the Meeting SDK is the best option for you. To automate emails (send a URL containing the meeting link) and recording storage, there will be some additional functionality required on your part. Otherwise, though, you can accomplish all that you require with the Meeting SDK. For additional comparison between the two products, please see our article here.


Hi Rehema, Thanks for sharing the link. I don’t see any major difference between the two solutions in my use case from that comparison table. Could you elaborate a little on how the meeting link generation and recording differ between the two solutions? Below is how I manage these using Twilio at the moment:

  • When host schedules a meeting, I generate a dynamic custom URL and send it to the guest. Following the URL takes the guest to a landing page where they have to authenticate themselves using SMS OTP (user phone number already exists in the system). After that I initiate the video session and let the guest in.
  • When host ends the meeting, recording is automatically generated and stored in AWS S3 by Twilio. I just need to query the meeting details from Twilio APIs and get the S3 object URL.
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Hi @r.asgari.g ,

  • With the Meeting SDK, you can use this Meeting API to generate custom meeting invite links and maintain your current invite flow. With Video SDK, you can follow the steps outlined here to create your own join link. For both cases, you’ll need to implement an authorization screen within your application to match your current flow.
  • For both meeting sdk and video sdk, you can use the appropriate webhooks to automate the storage of your recordings.

Please let me know if more clarity is needed.


Hey @r.asgari.g ,

We also have a pre built UI for Video SDK called the UI Toolkit, check it out:
