Zoom Video SDK Recording in external cloud


I’m in the process of transitioning my video chat application from Twilio to Zoom. I’ve opted for the Video SDK - pay as you go plan. My requirement is to record meeting videos and store them directly in AWS S3 without using Zoom cloud storage.

According to the documentation, it seems I need to purchase the Video SDK Recording plan to enable recording and storage functionalities. However, since I don’t intend to use Zoom cloud storage, I’m unsure if this plan is necessary. Could you clarify if I still need to purchase the “Video SDK Recording plan” for my needs?

If the answer is yes, please advise on the necessary settings I should enable to facilitate recording meetings.

If the answer is no, I would appreciate guidance on alternative approaches to achieve video recording and storage in AWS S3, or if there are other suitable plans available for this purpose.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

@anjithiruveedhi238 we are working on this feature at the moment.

Thank you for the response.
So that means we need to purchase “Video SDK Recording plan” to be able to record the videos and store in AWS S3, am I correct ?

@anjithiruveedhi238 ,

At this moment recording to your own AWS S3 is not support yet. We are working on this.

Yeah I understand that currently storing recordings in AWS S3 is not available.
I want to be able to record my sessions on my account.
What steps should we take next to begin recording our sessions?

Hi @chunsiong.zoom
Given that direct recording to AWS S3 is not currently supported, we need to understand how to proceed with recording sessions under the existing capabilities.
Due to the confusion around this feature, our development work has come to a halt. To move forward, could you please provide detailed guidance on the following:

  1. How to record sessions using the Zoom Video SDK with the current setup.
  2. The process for storing these recordings in Zoom’s cloud storage, if temporary storage is required.
  3. How to manage and access these recordings while we await the integration with AWS S3.
    Your prompt assistance with this would be greatly appreciated to help us resume development smoothly.
    Thank you for your support.


The easiest way right now involve these processes.

  1. Get a Video SDK Cloud Recording Plan and recording the Video to Zoom’s Clou d Storage
  2. Subscribe to the cloud recording processing completed webhook
  3. Use the REST API to download the recording and upload to your S3 bucket.
  4. Delete the recording from Zoom’s Cloud Storage via REST API.

There is another way, but it is slightly more complex. I wanted to be comprehensive in my response, in case it makes sense for your scenario.

  1. Create a Video SDK bot running on Linux / Windows / macOS
  2. Get this Bot to join each session when they start, and use raw data access to get audio and video.
  3. Save the raw audio (PCM) and video (YUV 420) and shared video if any
  4. Convert these audio and video into commonly playable format, and mux the video and audio to be in sync
  5. Combine these videos into your preferred layout.
  6. Upload the final recording file ( maybe mp4 or mkv) into your S3 storage

Thank you for the information @chunsiong.zoom.
I just want to ensure that “Video SDK Cloud Recording Plan” and “Video SDK Recording plan” are same ?
Because I can’t find any plan named with “Video SDK Cloud Recording Plan”.
I’m just attaching a screenshot for your reference of the listed and available plans under my account.

In case if “Video SDK Cloud Recording Plan” and “Video SDK Recording plan” are different could you please guide me that where can i find the plan mentioned by you so that we can purchase the plan and proceed further.

Thank you.

@anjithiruveedhi238 ,

I just double checked on my account, yes it is under Zoom Video SDK recording

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