Unable get meeting details through REST API v2

Facing an issue while accessing https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{meetingId} API. Getting “Access token is expired”

“code”: 124,
“message”: “Access token is expired.”

Using Meeting SDK (the app is not published)
Curl looks like >
curl --location --request GET ‘https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{meetingID}’ --header ‘authorization: Bearer ’

Following https://developers.zoom.us/docs/meeting-sdk/auth/#generate-a-meeting-sdk-jwt for generating the jwt token

Using SDKKey and SDK Secret to create JWT token but getting Access token is expired.

Please help.


Thank you for posting on the Zoom Developer Forum. Based on the description, it sounds like you are looking to make an API request for the Get Meeting API endpoint. Is that correct? If so, you would not use the SDK JWT token. Instead, you want to use the OAuth Access token. Here is Zoom support documentation for Using an access token. Take a look and let us know if you have any questions or comments:

Using an access token



In my app when user adds a zoom meetings URL , I need to verify if the zoom URL is valid ,so we are calling meetings api from the application to get the meeting details. previously we were using jwt app type and as that’s depricated we started using SDK app type.

I cannot use oauth , as the application is calling the API for validation.

@khoros-webinar-2 ,

Thanks for the detail. If you are looking to validate Zoom URLs for users outside of your account, then you will want to use the OAuth Marketplace app. That app can be published in the Zoom Marketplace. Can you use the credentials for OAuth app ?

I am trying to use the OAuth for getting the access token as u suggested. But https://zoom.us/oauth/token API needs account_id along with client_id and client_secret for getting the access_token (hoping I will be able to use it for calling meeting API). I’m using a SDK type app, so how can I get the “account_id” for SDK APP type ? or Do I need to create a Oauth App ?

Hey, @khoros-webinar-2 ,

For OAuth, account_id is not required to get a Zoom Access Token. To quickly get started with Zoom APIs, you can use Zoom’s Public Workspace which includes done for your workflows and links to the relevant documentation. Take look at the OAuth Authorization workflows linked below:

Zoom-PostMan-Public Workspace : Done-for-You Developer API Workflows

Zoom-PostMan-Public Workspace: OAuth App Authorization & Authentication Link

Build Video Communications Solutions Faster with Zoom’s Postman Workspace

You should also know that you can generate code snippets of the Zoom API endpoint you are calling in Postman. Here the documentation on that for reference

Generating code snippets in Postman

It is also important to note we also have an Understanding the different Marketplace App types support documentation for your reference. Take look at the support documentation below:

Understanding app types Link


Please let us know if you have any questions about this.

Hey @donte.zoom , I imported the postman collection and tried the API. But still getting “400 bad request” with “unsupported grant type” . Even the following curl gave me 400

curl --request POST 'https://zoom.us/oauth/token?response_type=code&client_id=xdGS97kuQJvJ1ymu7evng&redirect_uri=https://zoom.us'

Here are the scopes added as part of SDK meetings app :

Please let me know if I am missing anything.

Happy to help @khoros-webinar-2 ! Please see this step-by-step video demonstrating how to create and configure a Zoom Marketplace OAuth app and manually request an User Authorization & Access Token with Zoom Postman Public Workspace:

Zoom Postman Public Workspace: Request User Authorization & Access Token Workflow Demo Video