Unable to get hs_call_disposition id

Where can I get the above ids?

Any update on this, please???

Follow up on this, please

Hi @kapil ,

You linked something from Hubspot. hs_call_disposition is not a value on Zoom Phone API.

can I get this from a zoom or not??
if not where can I get it?

Hi @kapil ,

Please see response:

My question is not that, My question is there any value in a zoom that matches with this value?
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@gianni.zoom Follow up, please.

Hi @kapil ,

Thanks for clarifying! Yes, there are several endpoints that share these values.

For example, the log_details.result field of “GET Call log details” or “GET User’s call log” overlaps many of the above:

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Thank you for assist can you one more little help
what is the reason behind the empty call_logs
I can see the duration of logs but my log_details are empty

Hi @kapil ,

Check out this thread and see if it is relevant:

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