Unable to join via pjsip SIP client

I’m just asking for a follow-up to this closed topic. Was there a resolution that resulted in a successful connection from pjsip?

I’m using the pjsua client on OSX, and I receiving the same 480/Temporarily Unavailable message. From what I can tell, I can’t change the offer via the client, I would have to call the pjsip APIs directly to do that (I’m pretty new to SIP). Before I invest in doing that, I wanted to know if has been proven to work.

Hey @rajbeer.dhatt,

Are you able to provide the steps necessary to reproduce the 480/Temporarily Unavailable message? If you’re able to include the offer details and any other additional context, I can make sure to get this question into the right hands.


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My repo is:
Build source from https://github.com/pjsip/pjproject
run: pjsua sip:$MEETING_ID.$MEETING_PASSWORD@vip2.zoomcrc.com

All the details and context are in the topic I linked to. Asking my question in a more direct way: What was the resolution in ticket ZOOM-101221 ?

Hi @rajbeer.dhatt,

Thank you for providing these details. I’ve reached out to my team to help look into this for you. (ZOOM-197269). I’ll post back here as soon as I hear back.


Hi @rajbeer.dhatt,

I just DM’d you for some additional details.


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