Unable to list all cloud recordings under an account

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

My intent is to list all cloud recordings under an account, and then get their transcripts. I think this is the API I should use, and have created an server-to-server app which enabled the cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:master scope and a few others. However, when I call this API, I still get

{"code":4711,"message":"Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:master]."}

I noticed that this might be a bug as indicated in Master API for "Pro or a higher plan"?. That said, I’m also wondering if this is the correct API because I am not sure my account is a master account. Does the fact that I was able to add the :master scope mean my account is a master account? In any case, please let me know if there is a better API to fulfill this purpose.

Hi @airclubhouse
Thanks for reaching out to us.
To use our Master account API endpoints, please make sure you have a Master account license enabled on your account.

Here is more information about that

I am on the education plan and I’m using the owner account. Your link doesn’t help me determine if I’m a master account. Do you have link that points directly to that? Also, does the fact that I was able to add the :master scope to my app mean my account is a master account?

A separate question is, is there a better way to download all recordings from an organization?

Hi @airclubhouse
Thanks for sharing more details with me.
Yes, I assume you have a Master account enabled since you can add those scopes.
I will send you a DM to follow up on this specific issue

Having this same issue. Was there a solution to this?