Unable to modify app oauth URLs or regenerate credentials


I am building an integration with Zoom for our app. Currently I am working on populating the “Production” configuration of the Zoom app but somehow the app seems to have gotten into an invalid state. The API credentials are blank, and when I try to modify the OAuth redirect URL (or the allowlist) an error “The application is not found” is displayed. If I click “Regenerate” for the API credentials I get a “500 internal server error”.

Almost all of my app info is populated In the “Ready for Beta test” section it lists the OAuth redirect URL as missing, but the page will not allow me to populate it. This started happening several days ago and has not resolved itself since then.

Technical details:
Looks like the public client is missing or was deleted. Looking through the network calls from the app configuration page I see the following:

GET api/v1/apps/{app id}

credentials: {
  privateClient: { populated as expected },
  publicClient: null

When I try to modify the oauth settings for the production version of the app I see:
PATCH api/v1/apps/{appId}/clients/undefined

Obviously this is the cause of the errors. What happened to my public client? For a while I was able to make changes and view my API credentials, so it must have existed at some point.

How To Reproduce

  1. Create a Zoom app
  2. Populate and use the development client
  3. Populate details in the production client
  4. Something went wrong and the credentials disappeared, honestly not sure what
  5. Observe that you are unable to modify OAuth redirect URL and allowlist, which blocks the “Ready for beta test” steo

Update: I created a new app to try and work around this. All was going well, until I filled in the Developer Contact Info in the app form. Doing so triggered the error and put my app in the broken state (missing public client). I am not sure why that happens or how to get around it.

Hello @breid Thank you for the post. I followed the steps provided and didn’t run into that limitation. Is it an issue with your account specifically? Is this in the Development Environment or Production environment of the App Built?

Regards, Kwaku

Hi Kwaku. This happened to me in the production environment. I am not sure how my “public client” within my app got deleted. It happened right after I entered my email on my second attempt. I made a third app and entered my email before anything else, then went back and filled out the full submission, and it appears to work. Perhaps the engineering team can take a look at the traces of the affected apps?