Unable to receive in-meeting chat messages from a webhook app

I am not able to receive in-meeting chat messages from a webhook app.

I created a webhook only app in the app marketplace by clicking “Develop” and then “Build Legacy App.” I then clicked “Create” on the “Webhook Only” tile. On the “Feature” tab of the set up screen, I enabled “Event Subscriptions” and selected 6 events. Under “Meeting,” I selected the following events: “End Meeting,” “In-meeting chat message received,” and “In-meeting chat message file received.” I also selected the same three events under “Webinar.”

I added my “Event notification endpoint URL” and was able to validate the URL successfully. The “Activation” tab states “Your app is activated on the account.”

I also contacted support to enable DLP for the account, and I then went to the settings in Zoom at “Account Management”->“Account Settings”->“In Meeting (Advanced)” and clicked “Enable in-meeting chat DLP (Data Loss Prevention) integration.” I also selected “Allow in-meeting chat messages.”

I tested this by opening a meeting in Zoom and joining it as another user through an incognito browser. I sent chat messages between the meeting participants and then ended the meeting.

Back in the Marketplace, I clicked “Manage.” Under “PERSONAL APP MANAGEMENT” I clicked “Call Logs” and then the center tab, “Webhook Logs.” The app I created was listed and I clicked the “>” to view the logs for the app. I received a “200” status message for the meeting, but there was only one message received. This message was for the “meeting.ended” event. I did not receive any messages for any of the in-meeting chat messages.

Since this test, I have also attended meetings where chats were exchanged, but the only event received by the webhook was for “meeting.ended.”

Is there anything further I need to do to receive webhook messages for in-meeting chats? Does anything further need to be enabled by Zoom support?

I updated the app to also send messages for the “Participant/Host joined meeting” and “Meeting summary has been completed” events. I was able to receive both of these events when testing the webhook.

I am still not able to receive any response for the “In-meeting chat message received” event.

I have tried several support tickets and they are all immediately closed with instructions to use devforum.zoom.us.

Please let me know what else needs to be done to allow “In-meeting chat message received” and “In-meeting chat message file received” events to be received.