Unable to record zoom session in breakout room

I joined zoom meeting as a host user and tried to record session but I am unable to record session in breakout room.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
Zoom component view SDK 2.15.2

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join meeting as host user (role)
  2. Start breakout room and join breakout room as host
  3. Click on “record” icon to record session
  4. You will see recording is not getting start

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: All Device
  • OS: All OS
  • Browser: All Browsers
  • Browser Version All

Facing the same problem.Please help! @elisa.zoom @tommy @gianni.zoom

Hi @sudhakar ,

  • Is this your first time using component view or was it working before, but now it is not? If it not your first time, did you change any settings, code or make updates to the Meeting SDK?

  • If this is your first time, please confirm you have all the required recording privileges for either cloud or local recording.

  • Are there any console errors when you click the record icon? Please share.

We also have a minimum version policy: is there a particular reason for maintaining use of 2.15.2?

@Debabrata47 ,

Please provide more information using the template the above developer used. Please also answer these questions:

Hello @gianni.zoom
1)I have referred the following video to make zoom web sdk in react:

2)All permission to recordings are enabled in my settings and i m using a pro plan.
3)There is no record option available when i try to enter the breakout room !Infact the more option doesnt seem to work .

@Debabrata47 , there are a few of these questions you have missed:

Please create a recording of your process/experience and share console. I will message you for you to send. Thanks so much!

Hello @gianni.zoom @tommy @elisa.zoom ,Hope you all are doing well!
Is this your first time using component view or was it working before, but now it is not?—its first time
(the change code can be found below in my repo link)
Here the video of issue:

Here is repo of files of react-web-sdk i m using:

Attaching the console errors of websdk:

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