Unable to retrieve transcripts file with Contact Center API

Execution of acquisition for transcript_url, which acquires interaction logs of engagement and recording.
The status code of the response is 400, and the result is “code”:104,“message”:“Invalid access token. Scope: is not included.”, and it cannot be obtained.

The API used is below

The following scopes have been added to the marketplace.

Hi @sakai , currently seeing if there is some internal documentation/guidance for contact center endpoints listed. Thanks for your patience!

How about after that?

Hi @sakai ,

I need a bit more info from you please. Send in the private message (you’ll see the notification when you click on your icon):

  • dev email associated with app
  • app type and when it was created (i.e. user managed server to server app or account-wide unified build flow app created last month)
  • client id
  • zm-tracking-id from response header of request
  • screenshot of added events/scopes

Hi @sakai,

Your support ticket is TS1233678. Please attach check the email you shared with me for next steps and to see the open ticket.

Additionally, when the issue is resolved, please comment back in the thread and share the update :slight_smile:

Hello, please respond to the support staff’s email.