Unable to share my private app outside my account

I have created an private app. But i am unable to share it with anyone for testing. Is that option available under Development section also or only under Production section?

The button to Request to share this app outside this account is not visible

Troubleshooting Routes
The troubleshooting attempt types you’ve already exhausted, including testing with the appropriate sample app (found on Zoom · GitHub).

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.

The Development version can be shared within your account (not outside), despite the “Local Test” branding. Generate and send the authorization URL from the Local Test screen. No approval is needed.

The Production version can be shared outside of your account (pending approval) using the Beta Test screen. On that screen, look for the Share App section and click the Request to Share button, or hover over it for unlock requirements. The sharing documentation instructions for this user interface are unfortunately out of date.

Thanks for your input here @MultiplayerSession!

Let me know if I can help out @amangupt.