Unable to submit Windows SDK App because of missing Beta Test

I’m finally ready to submit my app. But I’m struggling to this error message as soon I click the submit button.

In order to be able to dial into other meetings, I activated the Beta Test and accidentally generated an Authorization URL. But now I can not regenerate it to get rid of the error message and submit the app.

Zoom says Beta Tests are not supported for SDK Apps, but I can’t deactivate the Beta Test either.

How can I deactivate the Authorization URL and Beta Test in order to submit my app for review?

Hello, @benjamin.gopp do you have a screenshot of an error stating your Authorization URL is preventing you from submitting? Because it has no effect on submitting for review

@kwaku.nyante :
A screenshot is allready attatched to my first post.

I just need to skip the Beta Test. But that’s not possible because the form requires to regenerate to Authorization URL. The regenerate Button is disabled though and my share request has been declined.

Hello, @benjamin.gopp the screenshot you provided shows the fact your request was declined that’s fine but that is not what I requested you said this is preventing you from submitting I need to see the pop when you hit submit that shows this is preventing you from submitting. Please provide that so we can continue

Sorry, I got you wrong.
Here is my screenshot from the submit page.
The error message pops up on top of the page.


Thanks whats the name of your app let me take a look

My app name is AVStudio.

@kwaku.nyante I’m still not able to submit my app. Same error:

“You have made some configuration changes. Please regenerate the Authorization URL now.”


I’m taking a look please expect a response before the end of the day via DM.

Regards, Kwaku

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