Unicode in participant name coming wrong

We are getting Replacement Character(�) from Zoom API End Point (https://api.zoom.us/v2/webinars/:webinarId/registrants?page_size=30&page_number=1) and while going through dev forum [Unicode in participant name appears wrong] we found that You recommend we should consider replacing or encoding any characters prior to interacting with them via API.

Could you please guide us how we can achieve this.


Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum. I reviewed the post you linked and it looks old so I don’t know if the same guidance would apply in this instance. To this point, can you share the API response (PII Omitted ) you are getting where you are getting Replacement Character(�)? Also, would you happen to know which character is being replaced as well?

@donte.zoom ,

Find the API response below.

“page_count”: 1,
“page_number”: 1,
“page_size”: 30,
“total_records”: 2,
“registrants”: [
“id”: “{REDACTED}”,
“first_name”: “�scar”,
“last_name”: “lastName”,
“email”: “Email”,
“address”: “”,
“city”: “”,
“country”: “”,
“zip”: “”,
“state”: “”,
“phone”: “”,
“industry”: “”,
“org”: “”,
“job_title”: “”,
“purchasing_time_frame”: “”,
“role_in_purchase_process”: “”,
“no_of_employees”: “”,
“comments”: “”,
“custom_questions”: ,
“status”: “approved”,
“create_time”: “2023-02-20T09:38:16Z”,
“join_url”: “https://join url”
“id”: “{REDACTED}”,
“first_name”: "FirstName ",
“last_name”: “Jim�nez”,
“email”: “Email”,
“address”: “”,
“city”: “”,
“country”: “”,
“zip”: “”,
“state”: “”,
“phone”: “”,
“industry”: “”,
“org”: “”,
“job_title”: “”,
“purchasing_time_frame”: “”,
“role_in_purchase_process”: “”,
“no_of_employees”: “”,
“comments”: “”,
“custom_questions”: ,
“status”: “approved”,
“create_time”: “2023-02-19T16:30:33Z”,
“join_url”: “https://Url

We are not able to identify which character it is replacing.

That is strange! It looks like certain letters are being replaced. I am happy to test and submit a bug ticket if needed. Can you share if those letters have accent marks?

Hello @donte.zoom
We are not creating the Zoom Webinars . Our client is creating and we are only consuming Zoom APIs to fetch those data for client requirements. We are not sure about accent marks.