Use of Zoom plugin with ionic capacitor

Hi Zoom Developer Community!
I am facing in using zoom plugin with ionic capacitor.
I download ionic sdk v4.6.21666.0603 from Zoom & lib content from native ios sdk v5.9.1.2191 in the lib of ionic in ios folder.
Also i put framework & mobileRTCresources .Make Enable Bitcode to No but still getting error in zoom.m file as it says >>

  1. No visible @interface for ‘MobileRTCAuthService’ declares the selector ‘loginWithEmail:password:rememberMe:’
  2. Use of undeclared identifier ‘kMeetingParam_Username’.
  3. Use of undeclared identifier ‘kMeetingParam_MeetingNumber’
  4. Use of undeclared identifier ‘kMeetingParam_MeetingPassword’
  5. Use of undeclared identifier ‘kMeetingParam_ParticipantID’
  6. No visible @interface for ‘MobileRTCMeetingService’ declares the selector ‘joinMeetingWithDictionary:’
  7. Property ‘userToken’ not found on object of type ‘MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser *’; did you mean ‘userType’?
  8. Property ‘participantID’ not found on object of type ‘MobileRTCMeetingStartParam *’
    9)Property ‘userToken’ not found on object of type ‘MobileRTCMeetingStartParam4WithoutLoginUser *’; did you mean ‘userType’?
  9. Property ‘participantID’ not found on object of type ‘MobileRTCMeetingStartParam *’
    11)No visible @interface for ‘MobileRTCMeetingService’ declares the selector ‘startMeetingWithDictionary:’
    An early response in this regard is highly appreciated.
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The same issue was resolved by the support team

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