Virtual Background does not appear - Windows SDK

We are programmatically setting the virtual background for our users. Using the example code in sdk_demo_v2, we added the image using AddBGImage(file_path) and then retrieved the image from GetBGImageList() ->GetItem(index). We then utilize UseBGImage(pImageInfo) to set the VBG and receive SDKERROR_SUCCESS. The virtual background cannot be seen in the users video element.

Which version?

The following code shows how the VBG is being set:

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device Spec: PC
  • OS: Windows 10

Additional context

I looped through the list after setting my image to verify which image is selected for the background. isSelected() returns true on index 0, which I understand to be the default for “no background image.” I ensured that my image was at index 1, but this did not change the selected image from index 0.

I am still unable to get my VBG to show up in the video element.

I create two images with m_pVBGSettingContext->AddBGImage(file_path) and I am able to retrieve them from m_pVBGSettingContext->GetBGImageList().

After calling m_pVBGSettingContext->UseBGImage(pImage), I loop through the list again and call isSelected(). This is always true for index 0 which is no VBG. See output here:

m_pVBGSettingContext always has the 0 index selected no matter what I pass into UseBGImage(pImage) how do I fix this??

Hey @apdevuser,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Can you try updating to the latest version? (.1229)
Note, for this version and future versions the SDK can be downloaded through the Zoom Marketplace instead of Github. It will be under Build App -> SDK -> Download -> Windows.

Please let me know if you see the same behavior on the latest version.
