We are facing bad video quality in Paid Video SDK. Even we are streaming at 720p with a good internet connectivity

We are facing bad video quality in Paid Video SDK. Even we are streaming at 720p with good internet connectivity on all streaming ends.
As more people start joining the video stream video quality decreases gradually. Even with only 7 to 8 users, Video becomes blurry.

We are using Video SDK Version 1.5.5.

"@zoom/videosdk": "^1.5.5

Platform: Web (ReactJS)

Please let me know how we can improve the quality or fix the issue we are facing. It is very necessary for us to fix that issue to fulfill our requirements.

We are waiting for your response.

Hi @mohadjillani ,

Thanks for your post. With the Video SDK, only one video can be subscribed to 720p stream at a time. Other streams will downgrade to 360P, which is why you’re seeing lower quality with other users.


Hi @rehema.zoom ,

Thanks for your response. So how we can fix that issue? and How we can control which stream participant’s videos subscribe to 720p all the time?

Hi @mohadjillani ,

You’d have to manually configure your code to control which participant is subscribed to the 720p stream consistently. One way you could do this is by taking advantage of the user ID (accessing it via client.getCurrentUserInfo().userId) to set the video quality for a specific user.


Hi @rehema.zoom,

Thanks for your answer. Now It is making sense to me. Can you please tell me which Video SDK method we should use to render the video of the participant? We are using Video SDK for streaming. So most of the time there should be only one video render from the host of the stream. If possible please attach the code snippet for getting the best video quality.


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