Web SDK 1.7.9 webinar incompatible

I’m trying to join a webinar but I’m getting an error message “The current SDK version doesn’t support webinar, please upgrade to the latest version.”

OBS: I can join a meeting using the same code.

“The current SDK version doesn’t support webinar, please upgrade to the latest version.”

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
I’m using a little modified version of the Angular sample application

Full gif showing the error

  • Firefox 77.0.1
  • Ubuntu 18.4

Hey @aliller,

Are you trying to start a Webinar with the Web SDK? If so, the Web SDK only supports joining webinars.


Hey @tommy,

No I’m trying to join webinar, using role as attendee.

Do you have any idea about the problem?


We’re seeing this on 1.7.8 version of the web SDK – we’ve not upgraded and now users are getting this error message; starting since yesterday.

Hi @aliller @flippyhead Could you provide the Webinar IDs, the error message that you see within the console log, and the response from the info?callback=localJsonPCallback within the network tab?

The error is:

{method: “join”, status: false, result: null, errorMessage: “The current sdk version doesn’t support webinar, please upgrade to the latest version.”, errorCode: 3604}errorCode: 3604errorMessage: "The current sdk version doesn’t support webinar, please upgrade to the latest version."method: "join"result: nullstatus: false__proto__: Object

An example webinar ID is 939 1139 1927

Hey @michael_p.zoom

Yes, sure! An example of webinar ID is 947 4490 6705 and the error message:

errorCode: 3604
​errorMessage: “The current sdk version doesn’t support webinar, please upgrade to the latest version.”
​method: “join”
​result: “The current sdk version doesn’t support webinar, please upgrade to the latest version.”
​status: false


Hi @flippyhead @aliller

Looks like both Webinars have registration enabled. Currently the WebSDK does not support registered webinars. However, we will be introducing that feature in our upcoming July release.