Web SDK ZoomMtg inMeetingServiceListener

I found in Web SDK ZoomMtg “inMeetingServiceListener” method but it doesn’t exist in the documentation.
Is the method working on the web? Where I can find a list of events? I found that there are a lot of events described in Android SDK https://zoom.github.io/zoom-sdk-android/us/zoom/sdk/InMeetingServiceListener.html
Which version?

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Hey @frayeralex,

Where did you find inMeetingServiceListener? I can only find it in the Android docs.

Here is the reference for the Web SDK.


I found it in source code (…/@zoomus/websdk/dist/zoomus-websdk.umd.min.js) 11699 line

inMeetingServiceListener: function (e, t) {
“string” === typeof e && “function” === typeof t ? $(A).on(e, function (e, n) {
n && t(n);
}) : (console.log("inMeetingServiceListener invalid parameter: "), console.log(e, t));

Is it work or will work in future? It will be very help-full when we can listen zoom SDK events - because for now I use Mutation Observers to catch “events” when DOM nodes in zoom subtree changed


Hey @frayeralex,

I am looking into why we do not have this documented.


Hey @tommy,

Were you able to gather any context on why inMeetingServiceListener is not documented for the web SDK? I am also looking to attach listeners to these SDK events so I would love to be able to leverage this functionality using the current release of the web sdk.


Hey @nraj, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

Hey @JackYang, can you look into this please?


ok, we will add these events to doc


Hey @frayeralex, @nraj,

inMeetingServiceListener has been added to the docs.


Thanks for your patience! :slight_smile:


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Can somebody clarify when the inMeetingServiceListener events are supposed to be invoked? I tried the onUserJoin and onUserLeave events, but I couldn’t get them to trigger.

Hey @penar.musaraj,

Are you using the latest Web SDK? 1.7.2?


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I was using 1.7.0, will test with 1.7.2, thanks!

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Hey @penar.musaraj,

Let me know if it works for you in 1.7.2!


Tried with 1.7.2, and no luck.

Is this feature limited to meetings, by any chance? I am testing this webinars, so maybe that’s why it isn’t working?

What are the specific circumstances that would trigger the listener? I mean, for example, should the user leaving the event trigger the event listener before the redirect has taken place?

I also should note that I tried adding the listener in multiple places in the SDK initializer (before/after the join call, in the `success1 callback), neither was successful.

Hey @penar.musaraj,

I just tried with a meeting and it didn’t seem to work either.

I will investigate the issue further and get back to you.


Sorry for the inconvenience, this API have’t enough test, and we need to fix in next version.

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Hey @JackYang any update on the inMeetingServiceListener function being available for implementation ?? It’s still not working with the 1.7.4 version of the web sdk

Hey @muhammad.youshea,

I believe inMeetingServiceListener won’t be available until 1.8.0 release.

Stay updated here: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/changelog


thanks @tommy,

can you share any estimated date for the release of 1.8.0 release?

Hi @muhammad.youshea

The 1.8.0 release is tentatively slated for later this month - https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/getting-started/stay-up-to-date/upcoming-changes/web-sdk

Pls improve the docs https://zoom.github.io/sample-app-web/ZoomMtg.html#inMeetingServiceListener

One can see that event is a string and function’s data parameter is an object. But i’d like to get the list of available events (onUserJoin, onUserLeave, onUserIsInWaitingRoom, onMeetingStatus, what else?) and data object structure passing into each event’s listener callback.