Webhook notifications are sent as bad HTTP requests

Zoom is notifying my server (https://softalks.com) each time a registered event is fired but, apparently, it’s doing so in a bad way (with no method, URI or protocol/version information specified)

This is my server log with two Zoom webhook notifications (status: 400) plus an external access to the event handler from my test client (status: 204)

#Fields: sc-status date time c-dns cs-method cs-uri x-H(protocol)
#Version: 2.0
#Software: Apache Tomcat/9.0.58 (Ubuntu)
400 2022-08-12 12:58:44 ec2-3-235-82-172.compute-1.amazonaws_com null null -
400 2022-08-12 12:58:44 ec2-3-235-82-172.compute-1.amazonaws_com null null -
204 2022-08-12 12:59:25 170.pool90-162-212.dynamic.orange.es POST /zoom/handler “HTTP/1.1”

Time is GMT/UTC

Thanks in advance

Hi @santiago.ruiz ,

Thank you for sharing. Can you please create a support ticket about this? The guidelines for the support ticket are included in the post below:


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