Webhook payload for meeting.participant_joined event contains empty participant user_name

Webhook payload for meeting.participant_joined event contains empty participant user_name

I am joining a user to Zoom meeting using Zoom Web SDK as described here. Zoom Meeting joining link looks like this:


My app is subscribed to meeting.participant_joined and meeting.participant_left webhook notifications. I am using name query param to pass user ID so I can figure out which user joined the call.

The userID I pass in a query string when joining Zoom meeting is never null or empty, and this approach works well, but recently I received a webhook with an empty participant.user_name, so my app wasn’t able to figure out what user joined Zoom meeting.

Is there a way to figure out why Zoom sent an empty user name and how to fix this?

Hi @bl_developer,

Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum!

Is it possible to share where you grabbed this URL scheme from? The reason I ask is because I don’t believe that our Web Client SDK explicitly supports passing user name in the Meeting URL, but I want to make sure I understand where you’ve captured this format from.


Hi @will.zoom
I am taking this info from query string and then use it to join the meeting using Web SDK:

    meetingNumber: meetingConfig.meetingNumber,
    userName: meetingConfig.userName,
    signature: signature,
    apiKey: meetingConfig.apiKey,
    userEmail: meetingConfig.userEmail,
    passWord: meetingConfig.passWord,
    success: ...
    error: ...

This example is shown in Zoom tutorial and works fine.

So when user joins the meeting, Zoom meeting.participant_joined webhook contains participant.user_name that was specified in meetingConfig.userName. So I can match it to user id in my system. But recently there was a case when we received webhook with empty participant user name instead.

Hi @bl_developer,

I see—thanks for confirming you were passing this value in the ZoomMtg.join function. I agree this seems strange.

Can you share the details of the Meeting and the user, as well as the full webhook payload with us at developersupport@zoom.us so that we can take a closer look?


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