I implemented a webhook for event “Participant Joined Meet” and o check only user authenticated can to join in the meet.
But, in the events, property “email” of the users is empty, how do i to do to event show the emails of the users.
I send the image payload received in the webhook.
User is authenticated in app zoom client.
{‘payload’: {‘account_id’: ‘yRZ5KF9zRYeHZZAh1zOUng’, ‘object’: {‘uuid’: ‘0e+2fVh6RDe/wjKRDfkg7w==’, ‘participant’: {‘leave_time’: ‘2024-09-02T21:24:42Z’, ‘user_id’: ‘50332672’, ‘user_name’: ‘Gustavo Almeida’, ‘registrant_id’: ‘’, ‘participant_user_id’: ‘’, ‘id’: ‘’, ‘leave_reason’: ‘left the meeting. Reason : Host closed the meeting.’, ‘email’: ‘’, ‘participant_uuid’: ‘68C1C2C4-2DD7-2AA2-C56E-C7CD41A4D785’}, ‘id’: ‘86180779551’, ‘type’: 2, ‘topic’: “TradingQuant Suporte’s Zoom Meeting”, ‘host_id’: ‘TbH6JGTfSIC2zyhjxu8zkg’, ‘duration’: 30, ‘start_time’: ‘2024-09-02T21:18:27Z’, ‘timezone’: ‘America/Sao_Paulo’}}, ‘event_ts’: 1725312284312, ‘event’: ‘meeting.participant_left’}