[webhooks] Not enough information for identifying a participant

Have a JWT app with “Participant/Host joined meeting” event hook. Getting the object
account_id: ‘XeRGLfbnQeSHB5kmfmz8jw’,
object: {
duration: 60,
start_time: ‘2020-01-21T12:31:52Z’,
timezone: ‘America/Los_Angeles’,
topic: ‘Game New Recruit, Group 1’,
id: ‘712142923’,
type: 2,
uuid: ‘CciPNb9PSSKewtkx4BsfmA==’,
participant: {
id: ‘’,
user_id: ‘16778240’,
user_name: ‘Osman Mazinov’,
join_time: ‘2020-01-21T12:31:52Z’
host_id: ‘JB_W8n14TVuLb-y6JM2y8Q’
Have problems with identifying a participant by user_name. Is there a way to obtain a user’s email?

Hey @omazinov,

If the user is logged in to Zoom when joining the meeting, then the id value will be their userId.


Hi @tommy, thanks for the response.
Yes, but I need to get an email of a user that does not belong to my account and joins a meeting that was created (hosted) by me.

Hey @omazinov,

I see, are you using meeting registration? That is the only way to get the email of a user who joins your meetings that does not belong to your account.


Hi @tommy,
ok, if I register a user before he joins my meeting, will his email be available in the “Participant/Host joined meeting” webhook payload?

Also, having troubles registering a user for a meeting, getting the error
code: 200,
message: ‘Only available for Paid user: s0J_F80eT-mqwEX1aLPBCQ’
I’ve a paid pro account.
Getting the following errors when trying get a user using api by id and user_id respectively
{ error: null, user: { code: 1120, message: ‘Invite not exist’ } }
error: null,
user: {
code: 1001,
message: ‘User 16778240 not exist or not belong to this account.’

Hey @omazinov,

Not in the webhook, but you can use the user_id in the webhook and get their email once the meeting has ended by calling the Get Meeting Participant Report.

Also, can you share your request url, and body details for the two issues you are having?
